What is a cardiac device?
The normal heart rhythm and anatomy
When do I need a cardiac device?
What is a pacemaker?
What is a defibrillator?
What is an implantable heart rhythm monitor?
Cardiac devices
When do I need a pacemaker?
How does a pacemaker work?
The different types of pacemakers
Implanting a pacemaker
When do I need an ICD?
How does an ICD work?
The different types of ICDs
Implanting an ICD
What happens if I get a shock from ICD?
What is an electrical storm?
Implantable heart rhythm monitor
When do I need a heart rhythm monitor (ILR)?
How does an implantable heart rhythm monitor work (ILR)
Implanting a heart rhythm monitor
What happens when I make a recording?
What happens if the device records an arrhythmia?
Living with a cardiac device
End of life
Information you may give to family, caregivers, friends, colleagues
Mental well-being
On the job
Physical activity and sports
Potential interferences in daily life and medical environment
Medical procedures
Electromagnetic interferences with everyday life technologies
Sexual life
CHD and pregnancy
Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD)
What is Sudden Cardiac Death?
Causes of Sudden Cardiac Death
Addressing Sudden Cardiac Death
The SCD survivor
SCD family members
Video testimonials
About us
Funding support
How does an ICD work?
Implanting an ICD
The different types of ICDs
What happens if I get a shock from ICD?
What is an electrical storm?
When do I need an ICD?
Implantable heart rhythm monitor
How does an implantable heart rhythm monitor work (ILR)
Implanting a heart rhythm monitor
What happens if the device records an arrhythmia?
What happens when I make a recording?
When do I need a heart rhythm monitor (ILR)?
Living with a cardiac device
CHD and pregnancy
Electromagnetic interferences with everyday life technologies
End of life
Information you may give to family, caregivers, friends, colleagues
Medical procedures
Mental well-being
On the job
Physical activity and sports
Potential interferences in daily life and medical environment
Sexual life
Mission statement and terms of use
How does a pacemaker work?
Implanting a pacemaker
The different types of pacemakers
When do I need a pacemaker?
Privacy Policy
Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD)
Addressing Sudden Cardiac Death
Causes of Sudden Cardiac Death
SCD family members
The SCD survivor
What is Sudden Cardiac Death?
Useful links
Video testimonials
What is a cardiac device?
The normal heart rhythm and anatomy
What is a defibrillator?
What is a pacemaker?
What is an implantable heart rhythm monitor?
When do I need a cardiac device?